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التدريب على التوعية بالأمن السيبراني

تتزايد الهجمات الإلكترونية ، مع تزايد تطور المهاجمين ، ويبحثون عن طرق لاختراق الشركات وسرقة معلومات العملاء.

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Security Awareness and Training Services

Looking for security awareness and training services?

Management consulting

Business & Management

Digital Transformation

localization of digital solutions

Governance and Strategy

Policies, frameworks & procedures

What Is Cybersecurity?

Everything You Need to Know About Cybersecurity

Of growing importance to many individuals, businesses, governments, and organizations is security on the internet. Cybersecurity is the method of defending servers, mobile devices, computer systems, networks, and data from improper access, malicious or not. Often, cybersecurity is referred to as information technology security. Cybersecurity jobs are those for individuals with insight into managing these risks, including preventing, monitoring, and managing them if they occur.


Download the company profile

The company profile, you can download the file in both Arabic and English By clicking on the image, the PDF file will start downloading.


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(974) 50857777|   info@thecyberknow.com